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  • Small Animal Surgery

James Baker VetMB, MA Hons, GPCert (SAS), PgC (SAS), MRCVS

Adam Daniels BVetMed, PgCert Surgery, MRCVS

James and Adam welcome soft tissue and orthopaedic referrals

The practices have a wide range of orthopaedic equipment allowing the management of most fracture types. Crescentic and closing wedge TPLO’s are offered for suitable cases with cruciate disease.

Minimally invasive surgery can also be performed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes including ovariectomy, prophylactic gastropexy and arthroscopy.

For more information, please contact us.

Accreditation - CFC Silver 24
Accreditation - CFC Gold 24
accreditation rabbit welfare 23
accreditation leeds emergency vets
accreditation bvha