Kirsten Pantenburg
Dr.Med.Vet Cert AVP(VD) MRCVS
Kirsten graduated from Berlin University in 2003 and obtained her doctorate before moving to England in 2006.
She worked in small animal practice for several years where she gained her RCVS Cert AVP (VD)
Kirsten is a member of the British Veterinary Dermatology Study Group (BVDSG) as well as the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD).
Pet Skin Clinic offers a comprehensive dermatology referral service with bespoke treatment and management plans for each patient. Furthermore, Pet Skin Clinic offers continuous support for the pet owners, as well as help and advice for the referring vet.
Typical referrals: Pruritic skin diseases, alopecia, chronic and recurring skin disorders including pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis and otitis. Endocrine, immune-mediated and neoplastic diseases and any skin condition not responding to empirical therapy.
The dermatology service includes: In-house cytology and skin scrapings, in-house laboratory, allergy testing including serological and intradermal testing, allergen-specific immunotherapy and development of individual management plans for each patient.
Dermatology referral appointments are available every week, but Kirsten can be contacted at other times for advice or case discussion prior to referral.