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  • What about older pets?
Pet Advice Categories

Dogs and cats enter their senior years around the age of 7 and can begin to develop diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cancer which can initially go unnoticed. We can work closely with you to evaluate your pet’s general health and we would advise you to consider arranging a routine health check with the vet every 6 rather than every 12 months as your pet becomes older.

We need your help so please speak up for your pet and tell us about any changes you’ve observed in their:

  • Weight or appetite
  • Behaviour
  • Skin and coat
  • Mobility

Ask us about nutrition and exercise and the role they can play in optimising your pet’s health.

We can advise upon testing options that can identify health risks before they become evident, including:

  • Routine blood testing
  • Urine tests
  • X-rays
  • Ultrasound scans

For more information, please contact us.

accreditation cfc silver 23
accreditation cfc gold 23
accreditation rabbit welfare 23
accreditation leeds emergency vets
accreditation bvha